Trustees and Officers

Board of Trustees

Robert Brosseau
Karen Dooks
Robert C. Drye
Brooke Hubner
David Kornechuk
Frederick J. Maloney
Chelsea Miller
James D. Schantz
Phil Tsihlis
James B. Van Bokkelen
Daniel Vardaro
Peter Wilson

Senior Trustees (Active)

Michael C. Lennon
Frederick J. Maloney
James D. Schantz

Corporate Officers

Robert C. Drye,  Board Chair
Phil Tsihlis, Board Vice Chair
James D. Schantz, President & CEO (and Chairman Emeritus)
James van Bokkelen, Vice President
Katie Orlando, Executive Director
Charles R. Sullivan, Treasurer
CC B. Clapp, Secretary
David C. Johnson, Esq., General Counsel

Administrative Officers

Director of Museum Operations – Steve Berg
Town House Restoration Shop Director – David Rogers
Membership Secretary – Connie Garland
Operations Manager – Alissa Schoff
Visitors Center Manager – Vacant
Museum Educator – Jackson Seeberg
Facilities & Grounds Manager – Stephen Schaefer
Co-Chairs of Railway Operations – Donald Stephenson & Dan Vardaro
Assistant Director for Railway Operations Administration – Todd Glickman
Chief Instructor, Railway Operations – Scott Hooper
Safety Director – Phil Tsihlis
Superintendent of Track –  James van Bokkelen
Superintendent of Signals – Derek Dearborn
Superintendent of Overhead – Robert C. Drye
Parts Warehouse Manager – Vacant
Director of Bus & Trackless Trolley Operations – Charles Sullivan
Curator of the Seashore Trolley Museum – Vacant
Curator of the National Streetcar Museum at Lowell – Paul Castiglione
Librarian – Karen Dooks
Coordinator of Educational Services – John Mercurio
Volunteer Coordinator – Vacant
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Seashore Trolley Museum Organizational Chart