A volunteer reads to families at Seashore Trolley Museum, July 2019.
Volunteer to Read at Story Time! Back in 2023, every Wednesday-Friday from Wednesday, July 19th through Friday, August 18th, Seashore Trolley Museum is hosting a FREE Story Time for our members, guests and the community at 10:30AM. We are looking for volunteer readers each day to read for 30 minutes to children and families. What a great opportunity to make a special memory for appreciative young ones and their families.
The benefits of reading to children at even the earliest ages is well documented. Be a part of this life changing activity. Volunteer readers can join us afterwards for a complimentary streetcar ride along our private heritage railroad!
Bring a friend to read with you if you would like! The kids will get so much out of it, and so will you.
The museum’s COVID-19 protocol will be followed during Story Time. Review our current policies, here.
Sign up to read on the date/s that work best for you HERE.

Kennebunk Fire Chief Rowe reads to families at Seashore Trolley Museum, July 2019.