Project Sponsor: Rick Wolf
Fundraising Goal: $50,000
Questions for the Project Sponsor, Rick? Want to get more involved in the project? Contact him here.
Seashore Trolley Museum raised over $11,000 from 2018-2020 to invest in a Mobilift to help guests with mobility challenges access select items of our collection.
In December 2018, Seashore Trolley Museum began a virtual fundraising campaign to support the purchase of a Mobilift with a custom, adaptable bridge plate to help guests with mobility issues access select items in our collection. In January 2020, we reached our $11,000 goal, and our new Mobilift arrived right in time for our 2020 season.
Along the fundraising journey, conversations around the desire to make even more areas of campus easier and more comfortable to navigate began and rose to the level of our Strategic Planning discussions. What would the campus look like without stone paths? With more benches and picnic tables? Better shading? How about better access to the end of our main line? The campus owns several acres of land that are currently underutilized and most already have informal, beautiful walking trails that run through it.
As a result of the New Direction Strategic Plan, Enhancing Campus Paths and Walkways has been selected as one of our fundraising priorities for the next five years. The areas closest to the Visitors Center will be re-developed first, followed by the sections of walkways by South Boston, Riverside and Highwood, and Morrison Hill Station. Seashore Trolley Museum has partnered with the Kennebunkport Conservation Trust and the Arundel Conservation Trust to work on trail development through our undeveloped land and along our railway.
As we address existing walkways and create new ones, great care will be taken to select materials with a long lifespan, as well as materials that are easy for children, guests with strollers, and guests with mobility aids to traverse. We will also develop a clearer, designated walkway from the Visitors Center to South Boston to take guests away from one of the busiest sections of our railroad.
We hope you will support our efforts! Please help us enhance our paths and walkways and donate now to Fund 983.
And designate your gift to Fund 983.

Seashore Trolley Museum’s campus covers 350 acres, with miles of paths and walkways leading guests to exhibits, displays, and through our preserved forest.