The National Streetcar Museum at Lowell is open Saturdays and Sundays from 11AM-4PM, year-round. Click here for more information.
Boott Cotton Mills Museum
Established in 1978, Lowell National Historical Park preserves the American Industrial Revolution in Lowell in a unique fashion. The park offers visitors an in-depth look into the textile industry that was the heart of the city with a working cotton mill exhibit, canal boat tours, and trolley rides to move you around the city.
For more information, visit the Lowell National Historical Park website for hours and admission.
The Mills of Lowell

The mills of Lowell
The Streetcars of Lowell National Historical Park
Nearly 100 years after their heyday, trolleys are beginning to appear on the urban landscape once again. A number of cities in the United States are finding this older form of transportation an economically effective and environmentally sound alternative to cars and buses. In Lowell, planning has begun to expand trolley service into other parts of the downtown. For now, visitors can enjoy riding the trolleys on the nearly two miles of track operated by the National Park Service. The trolleys typically run from March through November. Visitors of all ages can ride the trolleys free of charge.
Lowell National Park Historic Open Trolley 1601As part of the development of Lowell National Historical Park, trolley service was re-established in 1984 in Lowell’s downtown to transport park visitors in the city. The Park acquired one closed and two open trolleys which are replicas of trolleys built by the J. G. Brill Company and operated by the Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway Company, successor to the Bay State Street Railway Company. These were the first accurate replica trolleys built in the United States.